In my teens I absolutely hated television.. then later on I realised I had liking for some particular shows which were different, if I make a list of them I can analyse all of them raised some moral questions which makes me think.. Breaking bad was an excellent example so was the good wife..but Game of thrones has been successful in doing that again and again..season after season..brutal questions with bloody answers.

And it was with this anticipation that I approached episode 1 of season seven and I wasn’t disappointed. Two moments stood out for me in this episode. 

  • Sandor Clegane reached the house of an old man who he robbed and left to starve in season 4 back when he was travelling with arya. There he finds the corpses of old man and child died in each others arms. Barrack Dandrion in truly sherlocky way deduced that they might have been starving and the old man took his and child’s life with a knife to escape the misery. Guilt comes to the hound but it’s not till the midnight that he decides to bury them and say a prayer for them. It’s very subtle but the change of heart is evident. Someone died because of his actions and he was accountable for that and it’s in his own “hound” way that he repents for that action. I liked that he forgets the prayer and instead used the words from his heart. How effectively they shown the morality in a brutal killer.
  • Second moment was when Arya met lanniaster soldiers in the forest. She is an assassin now and she can kill them easily but here’s the twist ,they don’t want to kill her either. They are just normal people with normal families and polite nature and this had her effect on arya as well. It’s very well shown how she was cautious at first.. checking them out and when she realised that they are just good guys with wrong shade of red in their uniforms then she eases up and smiles. It’s so very well done so that the armies are not just reduced to paper soldiers. Now in a battle we might wish dragon may barbecue lanniaster soldiers but those being burned are just these good guys in on the bad side with no fault of their own. This moral dilemma of good and bad makes this moment so good.

It’s not a review or an analysis..there might be far more capable people for that.. I guess someone may like this show for visuals or epic story lines.. that’s always there but I feel the books and the show is bigger then that.

So looking forward to next week and more aweworthy moments..hope it gives me another reason to think aloud on the blog .

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